the forest gives life and takes life away.

creature of the wood

≫ Mature / Dark / Occult / Slice of Life
≫ Muse and Writer are both 21+

More of a spirit than person. Chances are this keeper has spotted you long before you have seen them. Mysterious and quiet, it's a wonder why they have chosen to venture from the cover of the shroud.


fox.late twenties.she/her/they/them.


  • mature themes

  • crime

  • horror

  • slice of life

  • comedy

  • plot driven rp






001. while I am fine with darker themes and perma-injuries, I do prefer them to be discussed first. I also typically prefer we've had multiple interactions beforehand.
002. Communication is key.
003. Respect is a two way street.004. Don't be weird toward me.

disclaimer: I base most of my traditional shroud rituals from older nordic rituals. If this is something you're not okay with, I will happily not rp it in your presence!



likes: nature, quiet, being alone, gifts, secrets, rain, traditions.
dislikes: cities, loud noises, attention, intimacy, touch, heat, trying new things.

NAME. Talvi Silva • (t uh l v ee).
NAMEDAY. Sixth Umbral Moon, 23rd Sun • (12/23)
AGE. Thirties
PRONOUNS. They/Them.
ORIENTATION. Pansexual / Demisexual
height. 5'6"
eye colour. red.
hair. long, wavy white hair.
complexion. fair, light grey skin.
build. Willowy, almost starved in appearance. Androgynous.
voice. soft, low.
scent. moss, rain, and elder trees. flora and herbs.
notable features. Their tattoos in red ink that stand out against their paled grey skin. Several scars mark their face and body. Following behind them is their large, soft tail.
CLOTHING. thick furs, soft cloths, antlers, and bone.
family. Those within the clan. A daughter: Lola. A niece from their twin: Elladwyn.
residence. the shroud.
occupation. Vagrant, self-claimed shroud protector, healer when convenient.
skills. Light footed, herbalist, prophetic sight. (This skill is rare and can be misleading.)
clan. Silva clan, a territorial and reclusive clan. Small in its numbers and always on the move. They are wary of anyone they don't call a friend. The clan is led by their mother, an elder and powerful shroud witch and Talvi is one of the most trusted advisors.


At a glance, they seem out of place should they find themselves outside the shroud. Their glowing red eyes stand out against their paled skin; mysterious markings and tattoos cover their face and chest. Whatever they might mean, they are just as secretive as the miqo'te themselves.Upon closer inspection, their face bears several scars, the most notable being around their right eye. Several claw-like scars reside there, and it's a wonder how they kept the eye itself. Other Keepers would recognize this as a symbol of punishment amongst their clan. The other scars are simply stories of survival. A small one marks their lip on the right side and another on the left side of their jawline.Their attire always seems to be loose fitting, traditional in style, and hides just how lithe their frame really is. Whatever they are wearing, the materials are consistent: thick furs, soft cloths, antlers, and bone. The cloak they often wear seems surprisingly well taken care of, an indicator it is not something they would hunt in. They sport several delicate chains connected to a pristine garnet atop their head. Any other jewelry, rings, and earrings seem to be aged, their metals worn over time. However, they refuse to be rid of them. A bone necklace is also often seen, the inside carved with protective runes.Their voice is surprisingly soft, haunting almost. Their scent is one easily of the Shroud: moss, rain, and elder trees. However, there is a faint lingering scent of herbs and even floral tones.

Their story is a tragic one.One all too familiar with the Keepers of the wood. At a young age they were all too accustomed to death, never though did it lessen the grief that came with it. Instead it twisted the kind and graceful shroud cat into what stands before you. While they still hold their grace, they are more predatory now than ever. There is one thing for certain: they always seem to be waiting.

Born a pair of twins, Talvi and Yisa were inseparable. They had an elder brother as well, Zohri'a. Zohri'a was the first heartache Talvi was dealt. He was lost to a wailer's arrow and Talvi never misses a moon to make an offering where he rests.Talvi had no desire to bring children into this cruel way of life. Especially when their clan was dwindling in numbers and the chances of survival were slim. They watched kits barely make it to their first winter, while others didn't. However, their mother, and Matriarch, suggested they either bring forth children or be cast out, same with their twin. She seemed to be desperate for some sort of peace between their clan and others.A winter passed, and the twins were sent to Kugane for rare herbs. There they met a Keeper man who Yisa felt a strong connection with. Like her, he was there for his clan, and the pair came to find they shared similar beliefs. He would come to father Yisa's only kit: Elladwyn. Talvi could tell Yisa wanted much more from this keeper but Talvi knew that was as far as their fates intertwined. They had witnessed his death already, knowing it was only a few winters to come. They urged Yisa to leave his life as quietly as she had arrived, and so she did.Not but a moon later, Talvi was introduced to a Keeper by the name of Seral, a fierce hunter, and together they had a single kit: Lolette. In time, Seral too suffered an untimely death. Talvi came to believe they were a harbinger of death.It was only fitting that they returned to their clan and felt the false sense of security once more. They were making a salve when Talvi dropped a bowl to the ground, shattering it completely and wasting the precious herbs within. They stared out into the distance as they foresaw what was to come next: their own twin, Yisa, was destined to die next.



Keepers have likely heard of the Silva clan, should you need information please message me. However, anyone might have caught a glimpse of them wandering. They likely turned to stare only to retreat back into the shadows.
wanted posters.
Gridania doesn't like when their wailers or hunters don't return. However, it's Talvi's duty to keep the balance of the shroud. Several posters litter the city, all resembling this strange looking miqo'te.
For whatever reason, even though they loathe them, Talvi has been spotted amongst busy crowds. Their ears likely pinned back and a look of unease on their lips. What brought them here?

They know several old remedies along with magical. While it is rare, if Talvi deems them worthy they may offer their services for a simple favor in turn.
They leave small, carved stones with a protection rune etched onto its surface in pockets of those they might have taken a liking to. Have you found one?
Rival clan of of the Silvas. Perhaps the clan stepped into the wrong territory, or an ancient feud, whatever the case maybe your clan has beef with them.
